Day to Day World Machine Development News

Progress Update

Just a quick update to mention that work is proceeding, although the feature branch is slightly lagging as more time has been put the last few weeks into another bugfix release which will be out shortly. I’ve also been investigating some intriguing new devices that would provide additional terrain shaping abilities. Too early to talk […]

Day to Day World Machine Development News

World Machine 2.3 Just About Ready

Hi folks, 2.3 is just about ready to be kicked out the door. A few last minute bugs have been found in the release candidate, but other than that everything is a go. I am putting the last pieces together to get the final release out very soon.

Day to Day Random Musings Software Design and Programming Topics

On MSVC 2010 and Sales Text

I upgraded to MSVC 2010 yesterday. Primarily for compatibility reasons — MSVC 2005 is not as common anymore and it is getting harder for people to write plugins, etc with it. The back of the box had this beautiful feature list: This is interesting to me as one of the things I’ve been slowly working […]