World Machine Development News

To See the Wizard

This post has nothing to do strictly with Pro Edition. It does, however, have alot to do with the Standard and Basic editions that will come out following Pro. One common problem when people first pick up WM is that, frankly, they’re not quite sure what to do. Some people learn by the “Columbus Method” […]

World Machine Development News

UI Enhancements

Although I’m leaving most UI changes till later, there are some that are simple yet surprisingly powerful. For example, Functional Blocks (Groups): The screenshot above is just from the rough implementation — blocks also are allowed to have text inside them, so that you can commentate on different sections of the network. It seems stupid, […]

World Machine Development News World Machine Pro Development


Between broader design issues, I’ve been finishing off bits and pieces of different functionality; specifically adding RGB import support to the tiled File Input device (its already inside the regular FI device), finishing off the Coverage Device, adding a couple new shapes to layout mode, and some other small changes. User-interface issues are something that […]