World Machine Development News World Machine Pro Development

Tiled File Input

The basic functionality of the Tiled File Input is completed. A bit more explanation of what it does might be in order. As you know, the normal File Input allows you to load a single file from disk, and place it at any size and location in worldspace. Thus, you can create a low-res guidemap, […]

World Machine Development News World Machine Pro Development

Overlay Output Example

The Overlay Output device and all of its attendant code in the core and visualization modules is finished; just wanted to show people an example of the kind of visualizations it provides: This is showing a terrain coverage map draped atop the heightfield. A coverage map shows what type of terrain is at that location. […]

World Machine Development News World Machine Pro Development

Usability versus Features

It’s always interesting as I develop World Machine, as there are always two distinct areas to add content in: Usability. Things that make the interface cleaner, that allow you to do things quicker, that are less confusing, or that provide additional power. This makes the experience faster/better/more enjoyable for the content creator. Output Quality. Things […]