World Machine Pro Development

World Machine 2.3 Released

Its time!

World Machine 2.3 Final is now released. 2.3 is now available on the upgrade site at

There are some seriously awesome improvements and compelling new features, not to mention a whole slew of bugfixes.

On the flip side, perhaps sometime soon I will post a postmortem on 2.3 — on the whole it took far, far too long to get it put out the door. The extended development cycle was hard on me, and hard on the users waiting for bug fixes! I continually forgot that new users not part of the public beta were using a version (2.2) that was out of date and contained bugs that I fixed long ago.

One of my goals moving forward is to change to a far more frequent release cycle; bugfix releases should come as fixes happen, perhaps monthly; the plan for large feature releases deserves its own post and will get it.

In any case  I mentioned earlier, there will definitely be time for reflection soon. But for now, I hope you enjoy the changes: The very-soon-to-be-updated website has an extensive list of them. It really is not hyperbole at all to say that some of them will quite change how you create your World Machine worlds.



By Stephen

Founder of World Machine

4 replies on “World Machine 2.3 Released”

That’s awesome work. Thank you.

Have you considered making a Facebook and/or Twitter accounts for WM? It could be used to help spreading the word about this product. There are some other software that have a Facebook page and regularly post news/updates/screenshots/user contributions, and I like to share them. Well, just an idea 🙂

Hi Rhalph!

Yes, I’m woefully behind but I am planning on doing so. sadly enough one of my good friends works at facebook and despite that I am still socially media deficient.

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