World Machine Development News

Blog direction, more musings

Work is proceeding slowly but surely on the features mentioned in the last post. Looking forward to the end of the current minipush, as the work being done is architectural refactoring in nature which is not particularily rewarding work to be doing.

I’ve been musing over the development blog a bit, and trying to decide how I want to handle posts here. Mostly, I think I’m realizing from reading other developers’ blogs that often what i find most fascinating has nothing to do with their current projects at all, but instead the glimpse of their workflow, thoughts, and reflections is what I find interesting.

I’m leaning strongly towards feeling more free to indulge in the latter here.

With the website redesign from earlier this year, the main Announcements forum is a good surrogate for getting information out in a more “official” format, letting me use the Blog as not only a reporting instrument but a bit of a soapbox or behind the scenes look.

So, with that announcement out of the way, expect to see both more frequent posts, but also perhaps less topical ones that may or  may not have to do directly with what I’m working on.

By Stephen

Founder of World Machine

One reply on “Blog direction, more musings”

Great to see World Machine still healthy and cracking on. Not had much time for terraining in the last year alas, but I’m optimistic about more productive times ahead. 😉

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