Macro Library



May 28, 2015
Downloads : 48120
Rating : 58
by: Devin Olsen (uploaded by)
Build Professional Terrain Colormaps Quickly
Two required inputs; height map and flow map (both available with natural erosion).

ColormapPro is a heavily modified version of the coastal overlay macro built by Nico Korn.

I've extended out color options and added dual mix/scale for the following:

- Cliff
- Cover
- Snow
- Water

Each dual color has mix perlin capabilities. I've also extended out a lot of fine controls for snow, clifs, cover and water. Bitmap and heightmap outputs available over all areas as well as a optional normal map output.

Please note you can convert the bitmap outputs to heights for spatmap converting by using a color selector set to white as see in the sceenshot. if you have any questions.

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#6RvBGames posted on 2:41PM Jul 14, 2018

I got this working using Build 3020. The easiest fix is to change the macro output type for the Lightmap from a Bitmap to a Heightfield. Not sure that is the appropriate step to take for the lightmap but at least all the output files were created.

#5VicToMeyeZR posted on 2:08PM Sep 3, 2015

3.0.0.r8 version. Sorry. Apparently author isn't doing anything with it anymore

#4VicToMeyeZR posted on 2:06PM Sep 3, 2015

3.0 Dev 3, also NO output!

#3deepcgi posted on 10:35AM Jun 14, 2015

Has this been tested on 3.0.dev3? For some reason I'm getting no output.

#2Tovrin posted on 9:40PM Jun 11, 2015

Further testing reveals that Snow 2 is appearing on flat terrain.

#1Tovrin posted on 9:00PM Jun 11, 2015

Great Macro. I'm having some issues with Snow 2 appearing outside the bounds of where it should normally appear ... mostly appearing as banding in lower altitudes.


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