World Machine Development News World Machine Pro Development

Tiled File Input

The basic functionality of the Tiled File Input is completed. A bit more explanation of what it does might be in order. As you know, the normal File Input allows you to load a single file from disk, and place it at any size and location in worldspace. Thus, you can create a low-res guidemap, […]

Random Musings

The Flu is Dead, Long Live the Flu…

The last week has been the next thing to a complete loss in terms of being able to get anything accomplished. It was a pretty nasty flu bug, but I think it’s finally defeated. The only problem being that it left a couple parting gifts, namely an ear and eye infection to boot. What a […]

Random Musings

The Flu

I knew there was a reason why I made a “Random Stuff” category. This is where I post thoughts and random happenings from my own life that are only marginally related to WM at best. Nothing slows work progress on WM like getting sick. Got hit hard by the flu bug last night and haven’t […]